
Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Wildlife Habitat

The sign that hangs near 
the street on the wooden fence
that separates my property from
the property just to the West.

Conservation efforts are afoot by the American Bird Conservancy by working with both the United States Congress and the Biden Administration to pass a 2023 Bird Friendly Farm BillThis bill possesses the single largest source of conservation funding in the United States. ABC's focus is to make this bill stronger for the conservation of birds.

Muhlenbergia rigens (Deergrass)

of which I have three large clumps 

growing in front of the Pesticide Free Area sign.

Sideoats Grama (Boutelous curtipendula)

a stunningly beautiful grass 

native to the Western United States,

into Canada, Mexico, Central and South America.

This is one of my very all time favorite grasses! 

One of the national focuses is to support native plants which are garnering attention not only in this country but globally. Our love of "something different" than what thrives in our region has driven the transplantation of vegetation from all over the globe. Now there are both public and private partners with the goal of protecting native plants as well as federal with non federal partners who have cooperated to develop the National Seed Strategy for Rehabilitation and Restoration.  

Nassella pulchra  (Purple Needlegrass)

which is extremely attractive with the fading 

light of the setting sun shining through fluttering seed heads.

When I began serious gardening South of Sebastopol at MuRefuge, I began with alien plants. Nurseries I frequented seemed to specialize in dramatic plants from "across the pond". As I educated myself about natives plants through my membership with the local chapter of the Native Plant Society I became enamoured with natives. Shopping for plants at their annual Fall plant sale I discovered how aesthetically pleasing native plants were to me. Being a bit dramatic creating the "correct" effect with natives I tore out all the nonnative plants. Then instead I began focusing on planting native grasses and sedges, perennials, shrubs, trees and vines. 

Romney coulteri (Matilija Poppy)

became my all time favorite flowering

perennial. It is NOT for the faint of heart to plant: 

I had a 75% death rate of these plantings at MuRefuge.

Unfortunately after losing a

dozen plants here at PageRefuge

I decided I would instead enjoy several nearby

opulent plantings rather than growing them myself here at PageRefuge.

And ducks were added to MuRefuge
for their voracious snail eating. 
I would gather by bucket loads from all over 
the 3/4 acre and throw them near the
ducks. The snails disappeared in a nanosecond!
A far superior way to "snail bait" ridding land of snails

Since I have focused on planting natives both here in Northern California and in Santa Fe, New Mexico my heart is warmed to know there are more powerful people now joining together to do likewise. It seems to me that a awakening on a very deep level is happening. Is it too little, too late? Maybe . . . maybe not

Chocolate Daisy/Flower (Berlandiera lyrata)


Rocky Mountain (Penstemon strictus)

In Santa Fe when the Penstemon flowers were spent and went to seed the goldfinches came as huge flocks settling on the stocks scarfing down the seeds. This was not a one time experience but happened annually as they migrated from the Canadian border South to Mexico for the winter. Of course, reversing the migration in the Spring

Helianthus annuus macrocarpus (Hopi Black Dye Sunflower 

Hopi name: Tceqa' Qu' Si)

The migrating Fall birds going South swarmed to the seeds created by this gorgeous sunflower. Nary a seed remained after the migration was over. If I wanted seeds to plant the following season, I found I had to do so BEFORE the birds ate them all. Here at PageRefuge the birds do not seem to interested in eating the seeds so when I cut down the plants I remove all the seeds and put them into the tray hanging in the back. Then the birds do open and eat every single one . . . the pesky squirrels love them too! When Shasta notices these critters she is out the door lickety split. Sometimes I worry she'll catch one which she has come close to doing.

The sign that hangs on the fence
separating my property 
from the apartments to the East.

As we plant native plants, may we also consider the soil. Luckily I was focused enough to use cardboard then wood chips to mulch the entire yard here. I am so grateful I did this because I notice that even with all this rain we are getting there is no "run off". Depending on the exact location, already 3 to 5 times the average amount of rain for the entire month of January has fallen. At PageRefuge the rain is soaking in for all the plants to thirstily drink their fill. 

When one mulches, there is no need to use toxic chemicals for weed abatement either. All the BEings that come to PageRefuge are not subjected to toxins that can shorten their life spans OR detrimentally affect their offspring. Mulching is an all around worth while activity that I have done on all three gardens I have created. 

Every BEIng, including a diverse bird population, not only thrives but reproduces vigorous and healthy offspring here at PageRefuge! So I am delighted to hear of ABC's focus for making this year's Farm bill more bird friendly with their push toward conservation of birds. Certainly we will all be more happy with an abundance of birds.

This is Shasta's Auntie T's annual "card" for 2023.
I particularly like the quote she chose this year.
It seems to sum up this blog post well.

So as we "stand in celebration" may we also

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