
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A Winter Solstice 2013 Greeting

"Help us to be the always hopeful
Gardeners of the Spirit
Who know that without darkness
Nothing comes to birth
As without light
Nothing flowers." 
May Sarton, The Invocation to Kali

Golden Toyon (Heteromeles arbutifolia ‘Davis Gold’)
The Winter Solstice marks the beginning of a new cycle which is filled with the promise of new growth, new beginnings, both in gestation during this dark time of the cycle. May we each be flexible with the consequences of humans living on Planet Earth and awake to the opportunities not heretofore known to us human inhabitants.  Climate change . . . well, climate change seems to shifting, altering all we have experienced or known, often with a loud and certain unexpected force. While letting go of our remembered past and embracing what each day presents, may each of us celebrate with gratitude the preciousness of living at this time and in this space, while we, also, joyously honor our interdependence with all who call this planet "home."

"To care for the living earth
is to care for ourselves."

During this Winter Solstice and throughout this coming year/cycle as we cultivate a healing interspecies community, may we all