
Saturday, October 2, 2021


Recently I visited Ruby and James's almost three acre property and home. Unfortunately Sage was not available since James was making a lot of racket in his space.

Sage went to live here just
down the road from
MuRefuge when we
moved to Santa Fe, NM.
Here he has lots of space for his avid hunting.
However, now that he is in his
senior years mostly he lounges
in a cozy chair on which there
is a heating pad during the Winter.
He has a good life here! AND 
has had a good long life as he nears 20.

One adult (in the far back left)
with five five week old Indian Runner ducks.
So sorry this is picture is so dark but
as I approached to take the picture
their surrogate mom lead them to a safe corner.

I love going to visit here! There is a real menagerie of animals all of whom come to greet you, even the Desert Tortoise who lumbers right up to you! He's huge and quite the stunning BEing.

The dog in the middle is named Moishe.
Rosco follows him everywhere!

Rosco, an Anatolian Shepherd
from Salmon Creek Ranch, is getting big. 
It is hard to remember
he is only five months old.
He and his family are off to
puppy school this weekend.

The specific reason for this particular visit was to pick some Arkansas Black apple
(pictured below) to make apple crisp.

These apples are one of my all time favorites for apple crisp. In a few weeks I will return to pick more of the delicious apples to make an abundance of crisp to store in our freezer. And I plan to take one  of these crisps with us when we take a sojourn down the peninsula to Courtney's for a visit and lunch. Since whip cream is one of Courtney's basic food groups, along with chocolate, we will have the crisp topped with whip cream m-m-m-m I can hardly wait!

So wonderful to visit and see all the animals plus have a wonderful visit with Ruby. I even got to briefly chat with James which is a first since our return to California. Of course, while thoroughly enjoying this delightful space I engaged frequently in a good

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