
Monday, May 6, 2024


What a surprise when while watching my favorite program (taped of course) on this Saturday morning past, the television went dark. So as is my practice I called PG&E and was assured that the power would be on by 1 pm. Nada. Then it was 5 pm again Nada. Then the time was 10 pm. Nada since by then I had retired to my bed for sleep. At 11:30 pm I was awakened by the television blaring so I climbed out of bed to turn it off. While I was up I reset the clocks then was unable to go back to sleep.



Sunday mornings Shasta and I take a more abbreviated walk. We past this HUGE oak tree that had succumb to Sudden Oak Death. Sad, sad, sad to see! It was such a stunningly magnificent specimen. This tree Saturday fell on the power line which broke the pole holding the lines. It seems to me that this house in Cotati has been without power more than any other house I have ever lived in. 

Returning we quickly consumed "a quick bite" for breakfast since Sundays are going to the Sebastopol Farmers Market. This Sunday past there is a plethora of vendors from which to buy fresh veggies and fruit. It is then a short drive to the Community Market to complete the shopping. 

Yikes . . . returning home there is the ensuing project of putting all the purchases away. In my opinion the best part is placing the purchased flowers in a vase usually on created by Dwight. The flowers are a cheerful addition to any meal eaten here.

Shasta on a recent sunny and warm day got a bath. She is so easy as she hops into the bathtub and patiently stands while I douse her with water, apply Dr. Goodpet pure shampoo which is hypo-allergenic for dogs and cats and then shower off the soap at which time she jumps out of the bathtub to be toweled dry. We then have a short walk about so the breeze helps to dry her fur.

Shasta in her favorite napping
spot . . . the guest bed
in the large room 
which was added to the small original house.

On this day not cluttered with numerous tasks I take the opportunity for a frequent hardy 

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