
Wednesday, November 15, 2023

My All Time Favorite Walking Companion

Shasta and Cathie walking along 
the dirt road after we park just off 
the paved road on one clear
November day

A hands full of miles West of Bridgeport, California, right on a creek, is Doc and Al's Camp and Cabin. Shasta "girl" as I often call her was great to walk with her since she would come when called so could be "off leash".

Now here in my newly adopted home town Shasta is a wonderful companion to take on my morning walks. She just trots right along matching my pace. She gets to choose the route once the are through the park across the street from our house. Unfortunately she cannot be off leash since she is often aggressive with other dogs. The animal communicator says it is not the dog but the owner that riles her up.

To return to the garden in which I have planted number of annual Tithonia plants that I started from seed. The Monarch and Queen butterflies love their nectar. So when I water the plants in the front yard I can feast on these flowers plethora of visitors.

"Black and orange butterfly ---

Flying joyously

Wings like a nun's hands:

First folded in prayer,

Then open in offering."

Deng Ming-Dao

I will leave the plants even after they have died so the birds can feast on the seeds. Of course, I will save some seeds for planting in 2024.

And all the while, I will

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