
Monday, September 16, 2024


Mother, Father, God, Universal Power

Remind us daily of the sanctity of all life.

Touch our hearts wit the glories oneness

of all creation,

As we strive to respect all the living beings

on this plant.

Penetrate our souls with the beauty of this


As we attune ourselves to the rhythm and

flow of the seasons.

Awaken our minds with the knowledge to

achieve a world in perfect harmony

  And grant us the wisdom to realize that we

can have heaven on earth.


Seems that the hummingbirds are migrating as their two feeders need replenishing almost daily.  Usually these feeders are washed and new "nectar" added twice a week.

This is the feeder hanging
from the kitchen window
where the hummingbirds
are visible from the kitchen table.

And this feeder hangs
in the backyard.

The hummingbirds were flying about waiting for the refill of their nectar as I went to hang both of these. I believe that the hummingbirds are migrating so they "tank up" so to speak where they can. I also observe some hummers visiting the tubular flowers of the three Penstemon eatonii that are planted in the front yard.

Penstemon eatonii
('Firecracker' beardtongue)

Another magnet for flying insects, in this case bees, are the two garlic chives plants also in the front yard. Occasionally hummers have been seen on these flowers as well.

Allium tuberosum
(Garlic chives or Chinese chives)

If one searches the bees are visible. These particular chives are grown for their stronger garlicky flavor tasting rather like a super spicy garlic. 

The weather here in the mornings is definitely not to my liking. I am reminded of the reason Santa Fe, New Mexico, was. There, where the elevation is higher, I recall fog was a rare occasion. 

Below you can observe Shasta enjoying the sunshine. As I note her proclivity for sleeping more thought-out the day, the realization that she is considered an elderly dog occurs to me. Her records show she was born on February 25, 2012. I do so treasure each day with her. AND she is just so ready for our morning walk ... trotting along at a quick pace which in no way matches our pace of a few years ago. Growing old is not for the faint of heart a very wise person once said.

If you look closely at the grape vines (Vita californica [Roger's red grape]) on either side of her, you can see the ripe grapes. 

For reasons I thought were my inadequacy I was unable to write this post. However, speaking with a computer savvy person told me it was that the iMac was not operating as it should. I just quit Yeah, today the posting was easy peasy as the saying goes. And I had a good

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