
Friday, September 23, 2022


This is the last of Dwight's clay creations: a Green Man. His original idea was to "perfect it", fire it then hang it somewhere on the wooden fences surrounding the property. He did not get to complete it to his liking. Chris fired it as it was. When she returned it to me, the left side of the Green Man's face was in pieces. I glued them back on the best I could. He now sits just a bit South of the California Pipevine leaning against the wooden fence along the West side of my property. To my ascetics he seems to fit ever so nicely. I frequent that path along the West side of the house often when picking ripe strawberries as well as when I do some hand watering.

Strawberries planted along the West wooden fence: 





It is very sad, sad, sad to me that this is the very last clay piece ever to be created by my husband of some 35 years. AND he was always so excited to bring home a new sculpture he had created to share with me. Finding just the right placement for each piece was always a joint venture. I am so fortunate to have so many of his creations about the outside of my property and in my house as well: lucky, lucky, lucky me! 


Look at our brokenness,

We know that in all creation

Only the human family

Has strayed from the Sacred Way.

We know that we are the ones

Who are divided

And we are the ones

Who must come back together

To walk in the Sacred Way.


Sacred One,

Teach us love, compassion, and honor

That we may heal the earth

And heal each other.        


My house AND my life feel so very empty without Dwight sharing both with me. Yet I am ever so grateful that he is no longer struggling to breathe! We did have a very full life together. We also allowed each other to have our independence to pursue our own interests and individual patterns of BEing in the world. His love of beauty was contagious as well as reflected in his clay work.

The appreciation of life does not required wealth or plenty, It required only gratitude for the beauty of the world. 


As I continue with my grieving process missing Dwight's physical BEing in my life, I have a frequent good belly 

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