
Thursday, September 17, 2020

Autumnal Equinox

At the present onset of Fall, aka Autumn, there is a chill in the air; the days are becoming shorter with the nighttime darkness extending. Hopefully each and every one of us is observing and connecting with this seasonal cycle. By participating in this way we assist in grounding ourselves and pulling away from the fear floating above each and every one of us.

“The coronavirus pandemic, 

together with recurring natural phenomena 

brought on by climate change 

[aka Climate Catastrophe]

is sharply altering our sense of the seasons.”

Paul Elie in The New Yorker

Apache Plume (Fallugia paradoxa) 
in the New Mexico evening sunlight

"Our shared biology unites all life on Earth. 

The coronavirus pandemic made evident 

that protecting ourselves also protects others. 

This applies directly to climate and sustainability: 

preparing your country, city, and company 

for the future is essential for you, 

while also beneficial for everybody else."

The Living Planet Report 2020

This Autumnal Equinox occurs amidst the dramatic collision with the Climate Catastrophe demonstrated by how the Western part of the United States from Tijuana, Mexico, to Vancouver, British Columbia is in flames. In the Southeast slow moving hurricanes are plummeting the countryside.

And this Autumnal Equinox is also happening during the most important Presidential campaign in the history of our country. On one hand, Trump wants us to revert to the early 1950's when patriarchy ruled. His perspective is the worst of television: a reality show in which the solution to the wildfires is "forest management".  "Science does not know, just wait it's going to cool", Trump told officials in California during a meeting there.

"As raging wildfires burn vast swaths of the West Coast, 

and as the molasses-slow Hurricane Sally pounds the Gulf Coast, 

scientists say we are witnessing, again, 

the role of climate change in exacerbating natural disasters."

New York Times morning brief on 09/16, 2020

This sculpture was created during the 2016 elections 

by a friend in Northern California working with clay 

at the same studio Dwight did his sculptures.

On the other hand, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want to heal our country and move forward in dealing with racial injustice and the climate catastrophe. And their joint focus is on restoring democracy to the United States. If elected their challenge to heal and lead will be fraught with challenges heretofore not dealt with openly.

"The most effective way to transform 

societal priorities and public policies 

is to change the balance of power, 

not change 

the minds of those who hold power.

. . . When government is responsive to — 

and, frankly, fearful of — 

the people who most bear 

the brunt of inequality and injustice, 

then better 

priorities, practices, and policies follow." 

Susan Sandler

So in light of Sandler's words VOTE. VOTE early and by mail if at all possible then follow up to be sure your ballot has been received so it can be counted. 

As we each struggle with the global upheaval and remember we are all in this together, may we


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