
Monday, April 25, 2011

Babies and Transplants

Been ages since I have written a new blog post!  The past month or so has 
been all about readying for the Spring burst which has clearly arrived at 
  • Completing the dispersing of 8 cubic yards of wood chips which came from
  • a Winter storm toppling our 16 year old curly willow to various path renewals
    and remulching some areas.


  • Transplanting from “flats” what I thought would be a few tomato starts and
  • resulted in 95, yes 95, soon to be productive tomato plants.  Here I must add
    that all those tomato plants will not be planted here but given to some dear
    friends and family, and sold for $4 per 4 inch pot at the SCA’s Gardens with 
    Sculpture Tour happening on May 22 from 10 A.M. to 5 P.M.
  • Setting out Todd planters in the garden to acclimate to the out of doors with
  • planting into our fabulously reconstructed vegetable beds.
  • Planting native annuals mostly but a few perennials too out into different
  • spots at MuRefuge thus emptying Todd planters for veggie starts awaiting
    in flats.
  • Transplanting vegetable, herbs and flower starts to Todd planters.
Veggie, herb and flower starts in the greenhouse
Pimento Peppers

Basil starts in foreground
  • Weeding, lots of weeds to fill up our spiffy, thanx to Dwight, compost bins.
  • Vickie, weeder extraordinaire, spends a lot of time on her knees pulling all
    those errant weeds, many of which are invasive European grasses found
    choking out even the invasive Feverfew which I have become to enjoy as
    mowed ground cover.
Our duck flock seems fluid right now.  The 3 oldest Fawn and White Indian Runner females have 
been reduced to only 1.  She is well over 7 years old and has had no easy time adjusting to the loss 
of her sisters. With the support of a Grief flower essence preparation she now seems content to 
hang out with the 4 who are past their 4th birthday and no longer each laying an egg each day.   
So on Earth Day our latest 2 ducks were born, arriving at MuRefuge this past Friday.  For a few 
weeks they will reside in a big cardboard box with wood shavings covering the bottom and a hanging
heat bulb for warmth.  Since we have some difficulty distinguishing older and not as old ducks from 
one another, our newest addition are Chocolate Indian Runners, females of course, from Metzer
Farms in the California Central Valley.  Check their informative web site

Welcome to MuRefuge

Organic food top left, water on the left with a
brick to keep them from swimming in the
water and getting cold, red on left is
the heat bulb

Babies in grass

Three days old
Both the native coastal iris and their hybrids are in full bloom as well as the Eastern Sierra native iris.  How spectacular!!

Happy Spring!  and remember to

Comments are welcome!


  1. The plants look wonderful and the new babies are so cute.

  2. Great pics & updates!!Congrats to your furry new family members -so adorable!
    Many thanks!!
