
Saturday, November 16, 2024

Arrival of Winter

Clearly winter has arrived as the temperatures have markedly decreased for both the night time as well as during the day. Last evening before settling in, a garden blanket was taken out to cover the jade plant at the western corner of house. The plants that sit just outside of the east most part of the dining room's double doors was also covered with a garden blanket. When both covers were removed this morning, the plants had all survived the cold snap. My belief winter has arrived and the temperatures match the season.

Jade plant covered

Most of the leaves have fallen from the maple tree. Once they are all on the ground they will be raked up and discarded into the green bin.

The Western redbud along the west side of the house has had all of its leaves removed and are in the green bin. The "bumps" along the branches closest to the house are flowers.

I am not sure how each of you reading this post deal with all the bummer happenings like the defeat of a rational candidate to lead our country forward.  Instead an "unhinged" one was elected and will soon once again live in our national White House. Please share how you are coping with this.

This is how Shasta girl deals: sound to sleep in her crate. Her sleeping so much has been worrisome for me until I realized that this is how she is coping with all the craziness that abounds in our country. For us humans my suggestion is a frequent