
Tuesday, June 11, 2024


Magnificent is my all time favorite tree that I transplanted from a gallon container purchased from California Flora Nursery. It is growing on the west side of my house near the air conditioning unit. As it flourishes with each passing year it is the epitome of splendor.

Desert willow (Chilopsis linearis)

I was introduced to this tree while traveling in the interior of California with a friend who had previously lived where this tree thrived. While living in New Mexico there was a plethora of these trees, both available for purchased and flourishing in various yards, gardens, museums and places to purchase art. In fact I planted one in our back yard in Santa Fe, New Mexico. 

Many bushes, plants and herbs are blooming at PageRefuge.

which seems to have
a wide range of colors:
(pink to deep purple)
for its flower.

Bees of a wide variety seemingly love the nectar gathered from the flowers no matter the color. When this picture was taken there was a very dark colored bee . . . to my naked eye the bee was black.

It seems there was a nest built by Black-capped Chickadee parents in the tall hedge located along the east side of the backyard.  There is presently a plethora of these birds eating from the seed cylinder. What an absolute splendor to watch all of these birds scarfing up the seeds and nuts as fast as they can.

In the arena of food growing for humans here, the two raised beds are beginning to come to life with the possibility of foods in the not to distant future. In the east most bed carrots and lettuces are now recognizable. In the west most bed corn is evident as is radishes; however the melon and mini pumpkin seeds have yet to germinate. Often I admonish myself that one cannot hurry along the nature process of seed germination.

Several friends from the neighborhood in Santa Fe, New Mexico, have recently sent pictures of the front and side yards that I planted with natives. Oh my gosh, I said to myself, the result is filled with splendor.

We have been experiencing some hotter than normal temperatures of late here in Northern California. To cool off after basking in the sunshine outside Shasta often seeks the room with the coolest floor.

Now the temperatures seemed to have returned to more seasonally correct temperatures. The weather person to whom I listen in the evenings predicts they will remain so.

As the laundry dries on the retractable clothesline and I complete this  post of "Splendor", I

And may each and every one of you who read this post do so also.